Wednedsay, Oct. 14

Austin, TX
"Texas Swamp Funk" music. It's all original music written by Douglas Clyde Martin. Our bag of tunes spans 30 or so years and sounds as lived in as we are. We use guitar, slide and mandolin for melody and leads. Rhythm is guitar and several percussion instruments , a cajon played with brushes and a 5 gallon bucket kick drum adds to the rhythm. Clyde handles the lead vocals and is the songwriter. Josh, Lisa and Jay Dee sing harmony and backup. The East Side Flash holds down the bottom. If it's not fun we don't do it and if people don't like us then we are in the wrong place. As one of Clyde's songs says, "It's too late to sell out now."
“With raw, organic vocals, impressive instrumentation, clever, humorous lyrics, and sing-alongs that crawl into your subconscious for all eternity, Clyde’s songs are reflective of a certain ‘Texan-tricity’ that can only exist in cities like Austin. And if one were to make a list of the city’s best, they’d certainly be at the top, since they do it better than anyone else.” - Kevin Egan