Little Mazarn
Sunday, October 13, 2024
Threadgill Theater
12:00 p.m


Austin, TX​
​ Little Mazarn is a musical collaboration between friends Lindsey Verrill (songwriter, vocalist) and Jeff Johnston (saw). They live in Austin Texas. Their songs invent new landscapes where the ground is the sky, where the foot touches the cloud and it dissolves ever so slowly, where the eye has the entire day to observe the path of the snail. Lindsey and Jeff also perform, record, and collaborate with friends in Austin and beyond on bass, cello, saw, and more. They are staples of the Texas music scene.
​ ‘Rather than resting on Southwestern laurels, (Texas River Song) reaches strange, spacious expansion. Naturalistic but futuristic: sentimental banjo plucks perfectly ground Jeff Johnston’s squirmy singing saw and songwriter Lindsey Verrill’s piercingly characteristic voice. Beyond the hyper personalization of many pandemic odes, the meditative record oversees a modern search for nurture, hanging monumental unease around dissonant frequencies. Though in a flash we see community fixture Verrill so clearly “I was the kid in the graveyard, channeling spirits in a leotard’ -Rachel Rascoe, the Austin Chronicle
‘The music of Little Mazarn is a cool float a few feet from the ground through a dimly lit, almost familiar forest. It is quieter than silence, big as everything, still but always moving. If you’ve ever had flying dreams, or an amazing night time bike ride on LSD, this might be a world for you. Chords are made up of notes; Little Mazarn gives them all their own moment. There are NO superfluous notes played here. Lindsey’s kind and twisting voice ambles along over the spare sounds of Jeff Johnston’s saw bowing, Ralph White’s electric mbira wanderings, and her own slow banjo. Like DJ Screw, Bohren & Der Club of Gore, and anyone who chooses to walk instead of ride, Lindsey realizes the amazing power of slow… slow… slow music. Lindsey is at once a baby and a wise old man. Get in this canoe at dawn on some Texas river that remembers when Comanche slept under the stars.’
—Thor Harris, Talkhouse