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Adeem the Artist

Saturday, June 1, 2024

adeem the artist by Madison Miles.jpg
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Knoxville, TN


Adeem Maria (they/them) is a seventh-generation Carolinian, a makeshift poet, singer-songwriter, storyteller, and blue-collar Artist. Blending a homegrown affection for Country Music with the emotional turmoil of alternative folk in the early aughts, they have created a unique brand of Americana that pays homage to John Prine and John Darnielle (of The Mountain Goats) in equal parts.

Imbued with the ancestral traces of southern music and colored by a palette ranging from lo-fi anti-folk to post-punk, the songs traverse the vast compass of human emotion. Whether opining on the disparity of “hooch” and “booch” in the collision of generations or straddling the duality of being a “blue collar boy” who is a “complicated dame,” Adeem excavates unwonted stories of the forgotten south.

Come On In! Join a tier, ask questions for the podcast, suggest guests, suggest songs to write or cover, give feedback, call me out on some problematic shit I said, or fact check an absurd claim. Expect unique merchandise items, behind-the-scenes peaks, new songs, and general banter ranging from poetry to reflection on everything from Apostasy, food, Queer Issues, Social Justice, Star Trek, and the importance of hydration.

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