eRic Luplow
(Truchas, NM)
Since early childhood, drawing and painting were eRic's dearest things, his best friends. He believes a painting should have a soul and he creates just that, in all of his work.
Painting things that touch him, inspired by life, his works range from the humor of the Texas dancehall to the spirituality of the early Native Americans. His paintings emerge alive with brilliant colors that run deep...they have a lot of soul! With an "anything goes" eye for color, eRic's watercolors cross the line between surrealism and folk art, hence the term sur-folkTM.
Sur-Folk: the place where surrealism & folk art combine- bursting into a kaleidoscope of vivid colors, derived from the palette of the Southwestern skies-the art of eRic Luplow.
This talented artist's works are a must see... the culmination of a life of unfettered spirit, and a tribute to overcoming personal hardships.
eRic has attended Kerrville since 1979 and has exhibited his work in a KFF Craft Booth for over 25 years. He has graciously donated FOUR original works of art to the KFF Foundation's Virtual Auction. These four original works and other available original works can be seen in the slideshow below.
This a sampling of eRic's art, both Virtual Silent Auction art and other paintings for sale on